Support to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Further Adherence of the Higher Education System to the European Higher Education Area

KEY RESULT 1: Legal and Regulatory Framework

1.1  Review of the legislative framework
·       Current AzHE legislation compared to Bologna policy framework, strengths and weaknesses identified and the gap report drafted

1.2  Revisions of the legislative framework
·       Concrete recommendations to the Azerbaijani counterparts to support the elaboration process of the legislation relevant to QA and the AzQF sections relevant for higher education, and adherence to the EHEA
·       Draft amendments to the legislative and normative acts based on the recommendations of STEs and agreed with the Beneficiary

Expert Reviews and Recommendations
·       Review of Legislative Framework, Activity 1.1. Annex to Mission Report of experts Ms. Sille Uusna and Ms. Lagle Zobel

Workshop on legal framework in the Ministry of Education, professor Achim Albrecht, DE expert, lectures.

Achim Albrecht, DE expert, Emin Amrullayev.

KEY RESULT 2: Coordination and Networking

2.1  Progress Review
·       Progress review report of EHEA/Bologna reforms in Azerbaijan

2.2  Coordination of EHEA Reforms
·       Assessment of the present institutional set up, administrative processes and coordination mechanisms
·       Recommendations on institutional and administrative changes with organisation chart on coordination of EHEA reforms
·       An operational National Bologna Committee with annual work plan
·       National EHEA/Bologna reference website

2.3  Roadmap to Institutional Arrangements
·       Work plan/ roadmap and recommendations for the future EHEA compliant system agreed with the Beneficiary

2.4  Steering and Coordinating
·       ToR for steering, coordinating and training bodies and/or mechanisms, facilitation of first activities as appropriate
·       An operational network of Bologna experts with the mandate and means to serve as resource persons established

2.5  Training Needs Analysis
·       TNA report and recommendations developed and agreed with the Beneficiary

2.6a  Benchmarking the Organisational Arrangements
·       A 3-day training session organised in the BC for approx. 20 key Beneficiary experts on best practices of MS Bologna process implementation

2.6b  Internships in FINEEC and EKKA
·       A 2-week internship for 2 Beneficiary experts in Finland and Estonia carried out

2.6c  Study visit to Brussels
·       A one-week study visit for 5 Beneficiary experts and a language assistant in Belgium carried out

2.7  Communication Strategy
·       Draft communication strategy (objectives, target groups, key messages, communication channels, timescale, evaluation) agreed with the Beneficiary

Expert Reviews and Recommendations
·       Progress Review of EHEA reforms in Azerbaijan, Activity 2.1. Annex to Mission Report of experts Mr. Kauko Hämäläinen and Ms. Sirpa Moitus
·       Training Needs Analysis (TNA) report and recommendations, Activity 2.5. Annex to Mission report of experts Mr. Kauko Hämäläinen and Mr. Juha Sihvonen

Interview at Sumqait State University.

Professor Kauko Hämäläinen and professor Juha Sihvonen, FI experts, in a workshop at the Ministry.

Acting rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages, professor Dunuyamin Yunusov (right)

KEY RESULT 3: Developing Azerbaijan Qualification Framework (AzQF)

3.1  EHEA and QF EHEA Training
·       Representatives of MoE, public and private universities are trained in the QF EHEA, learning outcomes approach and related aspects – a one-day introductory seminar and five 2-day trainings for approx. 80 people

3.2  Gap Analysis of the AzQF
·       AzQF has been compared to EQF, gap analysis report has been drafted
·       Recommendations for improvements of the AzQF to attribute (an appropriate level of) skills, knowledge and competences for qualifications in all three cycles of higher education developed and agreed with the Beneficiary

3.3  Aligning HE Qualifications and Curricula
·       The current situation of higher education degrees, with a specific emphasis to the third cycle/doctoral degrees, has been analysed and recommendations on its improvement provided
·       Roadmap for further development of doctoral programmes has been drafted and agreed with the Beneficiary

3.4  Further Implementation of the AzQF
·       A one-day workshop on further implementation of the AzQF HE sections for the representatives of MoE and universities has been conducted – approx. 20 people
·       A roadmap with objectives, responsibilities, timelines and an indication of required resources for the self-certification process has been drafted

3.5  Enhancing Practices and Procedures
·       Proposal for updating recognition procedures and practice has been drafted and agreed with the Beneficiary

BC Component Leader Azad Akhundov and Nigar Ismayilzade, Head of Unit, Ministry of Education.

Visit to Qafqaz University Technopark and meeting with students.

KEY RESULT 4: Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

4.1a  Update on Bologna Context
·       Two 3-day training sessions organised in the BC, training materials elaborated and distributed – approx. 40 BC experts

4.1b  Study visit to Finland and Estonia
·       A one-week study visit for 7 Beneficiary experts and a language assistant in Finland and Estonia carried out

4.2  Mapping Existing Accreditation Practice
·       Gap analysis and draft report and recommendation

4.3  Standards and Guidelines for Quality
·       Proposal for the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Azerbaijan
·       Draft manual for pilot evaluations developed and agreed with the Beneficiary

4.4  Fostering the Self-Evaluation Capacity
·       Workshops completed in the selected 3 HEIs and the skills to conduct a self-evaluation process developed

4.5  Pilot Evaluations
·       Scope of the exercise (programme and institutional evaluation) agreed with the Beneficiary
·       Criteria and indicators for the test run, a report format elaborated and agreed with the Beneficiary
·       Practical testing of the Standards and Guidelines with 3 HEIs carried out
·       External evaluation reports of 3 Azerbaijani HEIs produced

4.6  Analysis of the Pilots
·       Trial results analysis report prepared
·       Evaluation of the trials and recommendations
·       Dissemination of the experience and results of pilot exercise
·       Revised proposal for the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance agreed with the Beneficiary
·       Quality Assurance Agency blueprint/model draft and a proposal for a roadmap for the implementation of an EHEA compatible QA system developed and agreed with the Beneficiary

Expert Reviews and Recommendations
·       Mapping Existing Accreditation Practice, Activity 4.2. Annex to Mission Report of experts Ms. Tiia Bach and Ms. Kati Isoaho

Experts Kati Isoaho, FI and Tiia Bach, EST, BC Component Leader Afgan Abdullayev.

First training of Quality Assurance Experts completed at Baku State University.

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